Arrha Credit Union refused to admit that there may have been an error on their website that did not post a payment to my account. I showed them proof that I had moved money into the account that I use to pay my mortgage online. I showed them my browser history that shows I visited ALL THE SAME PAGES on their website that I usually visit when I make an electronic payment. See the print screens below.
To be clear, there has been absolutely no failure on the part of Arrha Credit Union.
Stephanie Hoy
I initially received some positive rhetoric from Arrha Credit Union. This soon changed to a tone of “this was all my fault”.
I was told:
- I should log in and check the status of all my transfers
- I should contact the source bank to see if they are to blame
- I should put my payments on automatic
- I should log into BOTH banks every month and make sure the payments went through
I was also asked if I had a print screen of my making the payment. Really? Really? Do you print screen every online payment you make?
This all culminated in the final email where Stephanie Hoy stated, “To be clear, there has been absolutely no failure on the part of Arrha Credit Union.”
In April of 2019, I found that a payment on my mortgage at Arrha Credit Union had not been made in March. At that time, our tenant on one side of the duplex had moved out, so I felt that possibly I had neglected to make the payment. I’m only human, I make mistakes. I would have had to move money from another personal account in another bank to make the payment, making it a multi-day process. I was also busy getting the place ready to rent. Maybe it was an oversight.
June of 2020, yes, during the pandemic, I get an email from Arrha Credit Union stating that my mortgage payment was late. Did I receive this email on the 10th, or the 15th of May? No, I received it on the first of June. I later found that Arrha Credit Union had already reported the late payment to the so called “Credit Bureaus”, you know, those people that collect and sell information about you without your consent, or reimbursing you for your data.
This time we contacted Arrha, because there were no extenuating circumstances that passed through my mind, other than the pandemic, that would lead me to believe that I didn’t make a payment. We spoke to a “Kelsey” using online chat which went nowhere.
I checked my source bank account, where I deposit the rent checks and pay my Arrha mortgage from. This is not Arrha Credit Union, but another bank. The account was a few dollars short of making my $2063.73 mortgage payment.

As you can see, and Arrha could see, I moved $50 at 9 P.M. on 5/4/2020 in order to make sure that there was enough in the account to cover the electronic payment I would make. As I do every month…
Fortunately, my browser history was still in tact from this timeframe, so I was able to capture this data:

As you can see here, on May 4th, I logged into Arrha and navigated to the Manage Payments and Transfers page.

Now here is where we need to compare to June 1, 2020, when I logged in after getting my hand slap email to make the payment… again.
In the May 4 history, there is no second landing on the “Payment & Transfer Activity”, which, I believe, is where you land after submitting your payment.

I surmise that this page is likely the page that I would land on after my payment was submitted, except it’s not in the history. This means it could have been a failure in posting the payment at the website level. It was obviously an error that I was not aware of, because you can see that I then go to two other pages afterwards. Apparently oblivious to the fact that there was a failure.

In looking at this evidence, I know that it’s hard for me to be unbiased. However, I can’t think of a reason that I would log into Arrha Credit Union, have all the money ready, and then purposely not make the payment.
I did not contact Arrha Credit Union to bitch and complain and tell them that they should take my word for it. I DID NOT call them names, blame them for incompetency or any other nonsense that people often do. The evidence was presented just as I have done here and asked them to reconsider. ARRHA CREDIT UNION REFUSED.
I feel this takes “DON’T GIVE THE CUSTOMER THE BENFIT OF THE DOUBT” to a new level of absurdity.
Next Steps:
I’m hiring an attorney this week. The emotional distress being caused by my not being able to stop thinking about this is too much. Every time I sit down or try to clear my mind this pops in and takes over. It’s not about the credit report, it all boils down to how people can treat other people this way without seeming to give a shit at all. This has affected my ability to sleep, and in some cases to concentrate at work.
For as long as my loan is at Arrha Credit Union, I am discontinuing online payments. I am going to mail a check on the 28th of every month. I have a reminder now on the 5th of the month. If the payment is not posted on Arrha’s site, I will call their customer service line every day until I find out why.
What about you?
If you are a member of Arrha Credit Union, I ask you to consider whether this is the type of organization you feel good about supporting. I just received an email from Arrha yesterday with bold letters stating “We LOVE Our Members”. Well, sorry, I’m not feeling the love.