Paging with Entity Framework (Simple)

Whenever you have a need to show a paged list of your items, it is a must that this is done in your repository in Entity Framework so that you’re not passing around more data than is necessary. There are too many examples of paging on the web which show paging at the UI level, especially terrible ones are showing doing a LINQ to SQL query with ToList() after it. Horrible!


var _result = dbContext.Customers.ToList().Skip(page).Take(pageSize);

The following example is only called “Simple” because it addresses one table for paging. This will often be the case, but you can view a more complicated query here: Paging with Entity Framework (Advanced)

The example below accepts all the common parameters and handles assembling a Linq query. It DOES NOT execute the query until the entire statement is built. There is a necessary evil call to get the count, once the WHERE clause criteria is completed. You’ll notice that this call is done before adding the OrderBy so as not to burden the Count query with sorting.

The OrderBy statement is not standard in Linq. It uses an extension method that you can take a look at here: OrderBy Extension for Linq Queries

You’ll also notice that this method returns a PagedResult object. This is just a custom DTO that brings back a strongly typed list and a total count. You can see the code for this object here. PagedResult for Paging

This LINQ code was pulled directly from the LookupsRep class in the YTG MVC Lookups and Paging Demo Download.

/// <summary>
/// Simple Paged results from multiple tables in EF Query
/// Yasgar Technology Group, Inc. -
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Page"></param>
/// <param name="PageSize"></param>
/// <param name="SearchTerm"></param>
/// <param name="SearchFilter"></param>
/// <param name="SortColumn"></param>
/// <param name="SortOrder"></param>
/// <param name="ActiveOnly"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<PagedResult<LuCategories>> GetLuCategoriesByEFAsync(int Page,
            int PageSize,
            string SearchTerm,
            string SearchFilter,
            string SortColumn,
            string SortOrder,
            bool ActiveOnly)
        int _skipRows = (Page - 1) * PageSize; // if this is not the first call, need move forward
        int _totalCount = 0; // placeholder for the total amount of records

        // Using var because this is returning an anonymous type
        var _entityrows = (from item in LuContext.LuCategories.Include(a => a.LuItems)
                           select item);

        if (ActiveOnly)
            // Showing how to use ActiveOnly without a boolean flag as an example
            _entityrows = _entityrows.Where(er => er.IsActive == true);

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchFilter))
            // This can be customized for each implementation
            _entityrows = _entityrows.Where(f => f.ShortName == SearchFilter);

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchTerm))
            // This can be customized for each implementation
            _entityrows = _entityrows.Where(f => f.Name.Contains(SearchTerm.Trim()));

        // Getting count will execute a SELECT COUNT(*)
        // Like to do this before adding sort criteria
        _totalCount = _entityrows.Count();

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SortColumn))
            bool IsSortDESC = false;
            if (SortOrder.ToLower() == "desc") { IsSortDESC = true; }

            _entityrows = _entityrows.OrderBy(SortColumn, IsSortDESC);

        _entityrows = _entityrows.Skip(_skipRows).Take(PageSize);

        return new PagedResult<Models.LuCategories>(await _entityrows.ToListAsync(), _totalCount);

    catch (Exception)

If you’re viewing this as part of the Paging series, continue with that series here: Business Objects for Paging

Author: Jack Yasgar

Jack Yasgar has been developing software for various industries for two decades. Currently, he utilizes C#, JQuery, JavaScript, SQL Server with stored procedures and/or Entity Framework to produce MVC responsive web sites that converse to a service layer utilizing RESTful API in Web API 2.0 or Microsoft WCF web services. The infrastructure can be internal, shared or reside in Azure. Jack has designed dozens of relational databases that use the proper primary keys and foreign keys to allow for data integrity moving forward. While working in a Scrum/Agile environment, he is a firm believer that quality software comes from quality planning. Without getting caught up in analysis paralysis, it is still possible to achieve a level of design that allows an agile team to move forward quickly while keeping re-work to a minimum. Jack believes, “The key to long term software success is adhering to the SOLID design principles. Software written quickly, using wizards and other methods can impress the business sponsor / product owner for a short period of time. Once the honeymoon is over, the product owner will stay enamored when the team can implement changes quickly and fix bugs in minutes, not hours or days.” Jack has become certified by the Object Management Group as OCUP II (OMG Certified UML Professional) in addition to his certification as a Microsoft Certified Professional. The use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a visual guide to Use Cases and Activities that can guide the product owner in designing software that meets the end user needs. The software development teams then use the same drawings to create their Unit Tests to make sure that the software meets all those needs. The QA testing team can use the UML drawings as a guide to produce test cases. Once the software is in production, the UML drawings become a reference for business users and support staff to know what decisions are happening behind the scenes to guide their support efforts.

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